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- Guerrilleros: Spanish Antifascists in the Resistance – France 1939-46 – Community Languages Press
- Christopher Codrington and the Business of Slavery, A response to Renewal and Reconciliation: The Codrington Reparations Project – Caribbean Labour Solidarity
- Los comunistas, los afrocubanos y la Revolución Cubana (1955-1959) in Los comunismos en América Latina. Recepciones y militancias (1948-1991) – Volumen III
- No Gladstone in the Park: The Gladstone Family and the Business of Slavery – Caribbean Labour Solidarity
- Decolonising and Decarbonising – International Trade Union Rights
- Sir Robert Geffrye and the Business of Slavery – Hackney Stand Up To Racism and Caribbean Labour Solidarity
- The Drax Family Dynasty and the Business of Slavery: Why Reparations For Slavery is a Trade Union Issue – Dorset Stand Up To Racism and Caribbean Labour Solidarity
- Neoliberalism and trade unions in Britain. TEMPO SOCIAL, 32 (1), 11-28.
- Death at the Frontier: Border Control, Migration and the Workers’ Movement – Caribbean Labour Solidarity [jointly with Luke Daniels and Nadine Finch]
- On Strike Against the Nazis – Socialist History Society
[jointly with Merilyn Moos]
- Anti-Nazi Germans
– Community Languages [jointly with Merilyn Moos]
- The Hidden History of the Cuban Revolution: How the Working Class Shaped the Guerrillas’ Victory – Monthly Review Press
- Movimiento obrero revolucionario: la contribución de la clase obrera al triunfo de la Revolución 1952-1959 – Editora Historia
- Killing Communists in Havana: The Start of the Cold War in Latin America – Socialist History Society
- Up Down Turn Around: The Political Economy of Slavery and the Socialist case for Reparations – Caribbean Labour Solidarity
- Organised Labour and the Cuban Revolution, 1952-1959 – PhD thesis, Institute for the Study of the Americas, University of London
- From the Russian Revolution to the Cuban Revolution – Tensões Mundiais / World Tensions
- ›Profite‹ oder ›Politik‹ Die Dilemmata der britisch-kubanischen Beziehungen zu Beginn des Kalten Kriegs, in: Kleinstaaten und sekundäre Akteure im Kalten Krieg [transcript]
- La perspectiva británica sobre el régimen de Batista, in: La República: Economía, Política y Sociedad. Cuadernos Cubanos de Historia, Editora Historia
- Organised labour and the Batista régime: a British diplomatic perspective – The International Journal of Cuban Studies
- A Working-class Heroine Is Also Something To Be: The Untold Story of Cuban Railway Workers and the Struggle against Batista. MaComére
- Las reclamaciones de James J. O’Kelly al parlamento británico por la fuga de José Maceo hacia Gibraltar. in: Maceo en el tiempo: acción, pensamiento y contexto histórico. Editorial de Ciencias Sociales
- Using the Transatlantic Slave Database to shed more light on a historiographical debate – Society for Caribbean Studies
- The Most Expensive Port in the World: Dock Workers and the Cuban Revolution 1948-1959 – Society for Caribbean Studies Annual Conference Papers
- The 1941 miners’ strike in northern France: from a dispute over soap to armed resistance. Socialist History
- Una sublevación de la clase obrera contra el Imperio Británico. in: La Revolución en el Bicentario : Reflexiones sobre la Emancipación, Clases y Grupos Subalternos. Colección Grupos de Trabajo . CLACSO
- Cuban Popular Resistance to the 1953 London Sugar Agreement. Commodities of Empire Working Papers
- He is joint author with Kwabena Dennot Nyack of By Our Own Hands: A People’s History of the Grenadian Revolution
- He is joint author with Danny Reilly of Telling the Mayflower Story: Thanksgiving or Land Grabbing, Massacres & Slavery?
- He is joint editor with Christian Høgsbjerg of Treason: Rebel Warriors and Internationalist Traitors